Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Scribblings of a cold mind!

If you have always thought why some people turn out to be serial killers and criminals, there's a lot more to it. From rough childhood to abuse that's severely traumatic, life offers each serial killer or criminal a variety of catastrophes to cope from or barely take it and apply it on the other, which we would later call a victim.

The study that I very recently went through, made me stay fascinated, or let me quite aptly frame, well, glued to this subject.

Everybody on a very common note, and when I say everybody and common, that pertains to those who really are interested in researching the psychology behind a serial killer, would come to a bland conclusion that killing or let's say, killing on a spree, which is termed "serial killing", is a cause of psychological defect.
Fair!! Ain't it?

Now, the developmental stage of a mind

There has most commonly been one clear indication to every serial killer on the developmental stage, and that is abuse or clear misuse. The child would either be subject to noticing or to be the object of misuse itself or in most occasions, both. 

So, when the child is subject to something horrific, most of the times, there is no way of escape both mentally and physically. What the mind is subject to, is something negative and unbearable, which it suppresses, and is ardently looking for a way to escape, and that, would be in a subconscious way. So when, what is strongly suppressed gets released, will come out in more horrendous ways.

Its a simple myth to know. A human mind is on the developmental stage, while in the late teens. So, when that is influenced by things that are quite out of the ordinary, the mind tends to exhibit it all as a seeker of attention be it good or evil. 

Also in the cases of inwardly drawn teens, they tend to secretly experiment on horrifying stuff that the mind was subject to. This again could be a desperate cry for attention.

That is when serious delusions and insecurity crop up and slowly develop as long term mental illnesses that are hard to cure.

How do minds develop to be killers or criminals?

In many stages of mental development, a mind transforms to how it should behave and be, after the mid 20s. This is how the normalcy factor is. Extreme cases of social withdrawal and acute attention seeking could be attributed to something erratic or beyond normalcy.

When episodes of depression are caused by external social abuse or process of overthinking (say paranoia), then a serious stress to the mind comes. Either the mind could burst out to and release the emotional stress(say if emotional pent-up was the subject of depression in case of over thinking that causes stress) or the mind chooses to lie and manipulate to see how the depression feels like on the other, in order for a venting which is not a normal mind.

In both cases, the mind later denies to the venting out process.

The former process is probably a direct infliction and is considered an abnormal mental behavior or we call them mentally unstable. The latter process is the real idea or the brainchild  of a criminal.

A criminal is always a master manipulator. Cool as they say, most criminals never display symptoms of external stress or fear. When there is fear, there is guilt, and when there is guilt, there will be an act of accepting it. So, it can never be seen in a criminal.

None of the criminals who use lies or deception as a tool to access and control other's minds feel sorry for their crimes. That is why there is always a sense of remorselessness in each of them. 


It is to be fathomed clearly, a mind of serial killer or a criminal is abused, taken advantage of, and that which goes through many traumatic incidents will always meticulously defend itself in cases of acute physical harm or mental torture. 

That specific kind of defending method could vary from inflicting the same kind of harm on the other, experimenting how the pain feels for the inflicted and taking a sense of pride in the self by the inflated element of power that could be had over the inflicted. 

PS: this is no PRO stuff in which case the headline probably clarfies ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Well Written.. The content is very intact and gripping.. I have not studied anything before related to serial killers but my premonitions says, there may many more reasons related to it other than what you had written. Poverty, Society, Ambience, and above all, the politics behind it..


Scribblings of a cold mind!

If you have always thought why some people turn out to be serial killers and criminals, there's a lot more to it. From rough childhood...